Examination Notice - For The Nursing Posts On Deputation Basis.
Recruitment for Senior Resident Through Walk-in-interview on 4th November, 2024
Notification: Recruitment for Senior Resident (Hospital Services) / Junior Residents (HS)
Result of Senior Resident (interview conducted on 23.09.2024)
Advertisement for the post of Administrative Assistant in HTAIn Project
Corrigendum Regarding Appointments Of SRs/JRs In KSSSCI Vide Advertisement No. KSSSCI/ER-03/2024-25
Corrigendum for last date extention of Faculty Appointment vide Advt. No. KSSSCI/ER-01/2024-25
Notice Regarding Admission to the PDCC Course, Advt. No. KSSSCI/ER-02/2024-25
(Click here to apply)Post-doctoral Certificates Course (PDCC) 2024 Result: Onco-Anaesthesia
In Continuation To The Notification For Written Entrance Examination For PDCC Course.
Continuation To The Admissions To The Pdcc Courses (Advertisement No. KSSSCI/ER-22/2023-24, Date 22.03.2024)
click here to applyNotification for JR's & SR's result of advt. no. KSSSCI/120B/ER/161/2023-24
Notice for last date extension for PDCC Courses (Corrigendum)
- (Click Here to Apply)
Corrigendum for the PDCC Course (Advt. No. KSSSCI/ER-22/2023-24 dated 22.03.2024)
Corrigendum for Last date extension of Advt. No. KSSSCI/ER-18/2023-24, dated 10.02.2024
Notification of Result of Technician (Radiotherapy) on contractual Basis
Result of written entrance examination for PDCC/PDF Courses at KSSSCI Lucknow.
Advertisement Notice for Appointment to the post of SR's/JR's in KSSSCI. Lucknow.
Advertisement for non-teaching posts on Deputation (Advt no. KSSSCI/ER-21/2023-24)
Result of JR's & SR interview held on 05.02.2024 in reference of Advt. KSSSCI/ER-19/2023-24
Walk in interview for the post of technician (Radiotherapy)Contractual Appointment
Notification for written entrance examination for PDCC/PDF Courses
Result of Junior Resident (NA)(HS) & Junior Resident (Hospital Administration)
(Clinical Psychologist)on visit basis at KSSSCI.(Advt. no. KSSSCI/ER-14/2023-24)
Junior Resident (Hospital Administration )(Advt. no. KSSSCI/ER-07/2023-24) date 23.11.2023
Chief Pharmacist, JE (Electrical) & JE (Mechanical) vide advt. no. KSSSCI/ER-10/2023-24
Result of Junior Resident (NA)(HS) & Junior Resident (BDS) OMFS
Faculty Appointments for contractual posts (Advt. no.- KSSSCI/ER-11/2023-24 Dated 11.10.2023)
Advertisement for the Post of Chief Pharmacist, JE Electrical & JE Mechanical on Deputation.
Result Notification For the Post of SAO, AO, Junior Engineer & Chief Pharmacist.
Result of Senior Residents (HS), Junior Resident (NA) & Medical Physics Residents
Screening report of applicants for the post of Sr.AO, AO, JE and Chief Pharmacist.
Faculty Appointments for contractual posts (Advt. no.- KSSSCI/ER-09/2023-24 Dated 28.08.2023)
Date Extended for the Post of JE (Civil) on deputation vide Advt. no. KSSSCI/ER-03/2023-24
Recruitment on Scientist D (Non- Medical) and Junior Health Economist.
Recruitment Date Extension of Advt. no. KSSSCI/ER-02/2023-24.
Screening report for post of MS, AO, JE (Electrical, Civil & Mechanical) and Chief Pharmacist
Corrigendum of Advt.no. KSSSCI/ER-11/2022-23 & Advt. no. KSSSCI/ER-13/2022-23.23.
Senior Resident (Advt. no. KSSSCI/ER-12/2022-23 dated 02.03.2023
Recruitment on Medical Superintendent Post on deputation (Advt. No. KSSSCI/ER-13-2022-23)
Result of Residents (Advertisement No. KSSSCI/ER-12/2022-23)
Last date extended (Advertisement No. KSSSCI/ER-09/2022-23, date 09.1.2023)
Result of the successful candidates (Advertisement No. KSSSCI/ER-07/2022-23)
Result of the successful candidates (Advertisement no. KSSSCI/ER-05/2022-23)
(Advertisement No. KSSSCI/ER-06/2022-23), Dated 13/10/2022 (Cancelled)
Notification of Results of Senior Resident (HS) & Junior Resident (Dentistry)
Screening Report of Applicants for Advertisement no. KSSSCIER-02/2022-23
Notification of Results of SR's, JR's & Medical Physics Residents
Publication of Senior Resident (HS), Junior Resident (NA) & Medical Physics Resident
Recruitment on Administrative & Engineering posts on deputation
Declaration of Result for JR (non- Academic) (HS) for Covid duty
Result for SR (HS) in the Specialty of Pathology & Microbiology
Advertisement for appointments to the post of Senior Resident (Hospital Services) at SSCI&H.
Notification Regarding closing of walk-in interviews for SR' s & JRs and another as running matter.
Declaration of Result for SR (HS) in the Specialty of ENT & Junior Resident (Non-Academic).
Declaration of Result for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Project.
Application form for JR (Non-Academic), JR HA, Senior Resident, Medical Physics Resident
Declaration of Result for SR (HS) in the Specialty of Gynaecological Oncology.
Declaration of Result for SR (HS) in the Specialty of Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology & Gynaecological Oncology.
Declaration of result for SR (HS) in the Specialty of ENT.
Declaration of result for Senior Resident in the Specialty of Pathology & Cancer Genetics.
Declaration of Result of SR & JR.
Declaration of Result of SR & JR.
Result for successful applicant for SR (HS) ENT, interviews held on 24.08.2020.
Declaration of result for DIAMOnDS Project, at SSCI&H.
Result for successful applicants for SR (HS) & JR (NA) interviews held on 31.08.2020.
Result for successful applicants for SR (HS) & JR (NA) interviews held on 24.08.2020 & 25.08.2020.
Result for successful applicants for SR (HS) interviews held on 17.08.2020.
Detailed advertisement for Senior Residents (Hospital Services) & Junior Residents (Non-Academic)
Declaration of result of Casualty Medical Officer recruitment.
Declaration of result for Casualty Medical Officer, at SSCI&H.
Bid details 24/06/2024 : (Gynaelogical Oncology, Orthopaedies)
Bid Information 09/09/2024: Click here to view details.( Orthopaedics, Anaesthesia & CCM )
Bid Details - Xerox Laser Mono Computer Printer (Multifunction Machine - MFM)
Bid Details - Multifunction Printer With Scanner Various Departme
Bid Details - Anethesia, Gynecology Oncology, Radio-Diagnosis
- (Click Here to Apply)
- (Click Here to Apply)
Declaration of Result for Senior Resident (HS) Surgical Oncology
Declaration of Result for Medical Physics Resident at SSCI&H
Declaration of Result for Junior Resident (Hospital Administration) Non-Academic
Declaration of Result for SR (HS) in the Specialty of Anaesthesiology.
2020-10-10 Faculty & CMO Advertisement
The advertisement related to the extramural project Health Technology Assessment (HTA).